You’ve probably heard of Churchill, but did you know his mum was a decadent, tattooed socialite who cut her honeymoon short to help him forge his career?
When it comes to history, women get a bum deal. They have been written out of the history books. It’s shocking but true that out of the UK’s 925 public statues, only 158 are women and only 28 are non royal, historical women!
This year for International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day, Paperchase decided to create a range of cards specifically for fierce mums. To celebrate this, we created a campaign featuring the very real stories of the fierce, sassy and powerful mums of some of our famous figures.
We even staged our own protest at the statue of Oscar Wilde, urging people to recall the story of his mum, Jane, who was a total badass empowered mum.
"She's Jane, she's wild,
she's more than just her child!"